Dear You,
I want to let You know that I understand. And you’re not alone.
This year has been definitely a rough one …
No matter if you’re currently 15, 40 or 75: We can all agree on something: This year has been definitely a rough one. Whether it is because of political tensions, climate change, natural disasters, COVID-19 or racism, we have been affected with many problems at the moment, and it seems like they can’t be controlled. But honestly, this year is one of the most important years in our lives. It is a year of reflection, of powerful lessons and meaningful growth for all of as a global society.
I know your spirits are low, I know you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed because there is no certainty as to how things are going to develop. I know you’re tired of listening to the same negative news over and over again and I know you’ve cried yourself to sleep because of this. The air feels heavy, your eyes are weary and everything around you has a bitter taste.
Sadly, we have been fighting these problems for the most part of humanity. Racism, corruption, abuse of power and pandemics are no modern issues.
But we must remember that …
Yes, we feel broken, tired and maybe even defeated, but doesn’t that feel familiar? We need to stop beating ourselves and give us a break. We must remember that we have conquered battles before and have overcome issues we never thought we would: For instance, because of a massacre against Indian protests, Ghandi devoted himself to advocate for Indian independence, which was later achieved. Because of a violent riot in a Manhattan gay bar in the year 1969, the concept of LGBT was born; and now even more countries are accepting that love is love. Women’s contributions to World War I’s effort also led to ending women’s suffrage, and after the Second World War came a technological and economic boom.
How many times has life pushed you, kicked you, slapped you and thrown you to the ground? How many times have you felt completely helpless and willing to give up? Surely, many times. However, there is not one time in which you have given up completely.
You’re here, you’re still living. You go through lots of pain but then you keep going. You fall down and then get back up again in order to keep trying. Pain might be a regular visitor in your life, but the thing about visitors is that they never stay forever. You might hurt, a lot, but it’s temporary. It will go away, and you’ll be okay.
Above all, you’ll become stronger and wiser. Every time we fall is a new opportunity of growth for all of us. It is of course in your hands, whether you want to try again or not. But if you’re here, reading this, I’d like to congratulate you and tell you how proud I am of you. Because everytime you’ve felt lost, you’ve decided to keep going; and because of that I applaud you. Some times are so hard that you don’t even want to get out of bed to deal with another day. That’s okay— no one ever said it would be easy. No matter how long it takes, whether you crawl, walk or run your way back into the ride of life, you’re still making progress.
We need a change of perspective. If we let the negative content in the media take control of our feelings, we are going to drown. On the other hand, if we decide to act upon these emerging problems now, we will be able to triumph, just as we have done many other times before.
We are the dominant species for a reason, and that is definitely not to destroy ourselves and the world we live in. Instead, we are here to create a purposeful life; one full of good deeds, transparency and love, above everything.
Today is the day to stand up for our rights and be a voice for the voiceless, so that future generations won’t have to live in a gray-scaled world. Today is the day to change our mentality and condemn perpetrators of injustice, so that we won’t ever have to cuestion, much less lose our rights. Our actions through the year 2020, whether good or bad, will be written in history books.
It is in our hands what difference we’ll make for our future.
Today, decide to protest, to create awareness and to speak your mind. Don’t decide to remain silent. Don’t give in to depression, anxiety, and overwhelm. I know it will be hard, but you won’t have to do it alone. In a time where there is so much pain and injustice, we will stand strong together and rely on hope, consciousness, empathy, togetherness and constant change.
Good things come to those who wait create change.
Yours truly,
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