“More than eight thousand refugees under 18 years have been disappeared in Germany.” German security institutions say, that a number of underage refugees have disappeared from their place of residence. The criminal office in Germany also announced a statement about disappearance of thousands of children and underagers last year.

Is it possible in a country like Germany that thousands of refugees, especially underagers, disappear? After the immigration crisis in some European countries such as Germany, the issue of prostitution and the disappearance of underage refugees have become a controversial issue.
Recently “WDR” TV prepared a 45 min reportage about this issue. In this report, an employee of a refugee camp said: “One day when I came to work the 16 year old Mubarak was gone. I could not believe it. How could this young underage refugee disappear without exit paper?” According to WDR reportage: “… a search was done in relevant areas in the city of Bautzen but without success. Until now there is not a reliable information about Mubarak and his place of residence”, said Berlin police directorship.
Human trafficking and prostitution?
Mubarak is not the only refugee who has disappeared. Last year the Bundeskriminalamt of Germany’s announced information about the disappearance of thousands children and underage refugees. Children who came without their families to Germany, though for a short time, disappeared.
According to Deutsche Welle Report, Europol has information that criminals are involved in human trafficking. When asylum seekers escape at the same time criminals try to take especially underagers into slavery or sexual exploitation. But police directorship has said that there is no reliable information about underage unaccompanied asylum seekers in prostitution activities or the drug scene. However, it is unclear whether the missing refugees have gone back to their families or have registered themselves in several register centers.
Young refugees have told to firstlife-magazine that they know a lot of friends who tell that they will leave their residence and go to other European countries.
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